With considerable experience executing direct mail marketing campaigns, Plum Grove has officially designated a Mailing Services Department. Kevin Falkenthal, Mailing Services Director, first started working with Plum Grove in 1986 and offers extensive knowledge in bulk mail, co-mingled mail, pre-sorting and mailing list management to ensure clients get the best postage rate possible, fast service and achieve the best deliverability rates.
Peter Lineal, founder of Plum Grove, remarked, “Direct mail is effective because people come home from work and the first thing they do is check their mailbox. They thumb through it looking for bills, ideas, coupon offers, and specials. An ink-on-paper brochure landing in a mailbox gets a lot of face-time and hands-on attention. We have found direct mail to be a strong business segment in helping us thrive and grow through the last dozen years.”